Vision & Mission

We are a community of global thinking scholars. Our goal is to create intelligent, creative, innovative and religious people who are strong for a better future of the world


“To become a primary school teacher education provider that excels in moral education and basic literacy through science, social, language and arts studies to produce graduates who are adaptive to developments in science and technology and are globally competitive by 2042”


  1. Carry out education that increases the integrity and professionalism of students in mastering educational theory and practice.
  2. Carry out innovative and sustainable research that is oriented towards strengthening the concept of education and solving basic education problems.
  3. Carry out community service that contributes to increasing social competence and improving the quality of basic education.
  4. Fostering the quality of individual educators with integrity, culture and competitiveness locally and globally.
  5. Improving the supporting facilities and infrastructure for the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in a sustainable manner.
  6. Expanding partnerships with various parties as an effort to improve the quality of the Elementary School Teacher Education Undergraduate Study Program in implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in a sustainable manner.