UTOMO, S.Pd., M.M.

Head of Study Program PGSD

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb. 

Peace be with all of us, praise and gratitude we convey to the presence of God Almighty, so as to enable us to continue to move and work hard in providing quality education for future young generations.

Seluruh mahasiswa diharapkan untuk memahami seluruh informasi yang ada pada buku kurikulum guna memberikan gambaran terkait Road Map sebagai Mahasiswa Sistem Informasi.

UTOMO, S.Pd., M.M.

The Nusa Putra University Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program is present in Sukabumi to answer the needs of educators who are able to answer the challenges and opportunities of the world of education in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, this is certainly related to innovations created by quality resources so that universities are obliged to can answer the challenges of facing technological advances and competition in the era of globalization with a massive digitalization system, of course, while still relying on the values contained in theTrilogy of the University of Nusa Putra.

The PGSD S1 program is directed to produce PGSD graduates who have the competence of Educators in Elementary Schools who are able to plan, implement, evaluate, and develop education based on science, insight, knowledge, and motivation in terms of technopreneurship, collaboration, and independence based on Pancasila values that can improve quality learning in elementary schools, beginner researchers who are able to solve learning problems, and are able to produce proven learning innovations such as character development in elementary school, technopreneur development in elementary school, ICT development in elementary school, art development in elementary school, and public speaking in elementary school to improve the quality of education in elementary school. Elementary Schools and Education Practitioners in Elementary Schools who are able to develop and manage education, act as education consultants, education managers, extra-curricular coaches, developers of media and learning resources as well as educators in non-formal pathways equivalent to SD.

With the slogan “Care for the Nation’s Education” we strive to educate the best sons and daughters to be prepared to become elementary school teacher candidates who are smart in educating. Wasalamualaikum Wr.Wb